Safe Secure & No Obligation

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Soft Water

Filtered Water

Chlorine Free

No plastic Bottles

Life Filtration, Miami's #1 Water Filtration firm

why Life Filtration?

Life Filtration is Miami’s #1 water filtration firm. Why? Because we have taken responsibility to constantly grow our knowledge of water, softeners, reverse osmosis, alkaline water, UV sanitation, & other services we offer. When it comes to water quality we are you’re solution. 

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Projects completed

Contact Water Softener Miami | Reverse Osmosis, Alkaline Water & more

Life filtraion offers a truly unique experience. A turnkey solution to any project. we had a finished project in less than 48 hours. from water testing, to after sale service. exceptional.

̶ William Johnson

Mature happy woman indoors in office

We had terrible water quality at our home. we found life filtration and were happy we did. now my family has soft and drinking grade water from every fixture. No more dry skin, and no more chlorine.

̶ Sherry Roberts

Safe, Secure, No Obligation.


Most frequent questions and answers

Consultations include a complimentary water quality test, fixture survey of property and three recommendations to improve water supply.

Yes, water quality consultations are complimentary.

Water testing for TDS (total dissolved solids), Hardness, Chlorine, Iron, Sulfur, and Bacteria.

We differ each recommendation for treatment on a silver, gold, and platinum status. 

Each consultation varies on the magnitude of the project. But, the usually vary from 45 min to 1.5 hours. Contact Life Filtration Miami’s #1 water filtration firm for more info at 855.206.0538

Life Filtration, Miami's #1 Water Filtration firm

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