Life Filtration is Miami’s #1 water filtration firm. Why? Because we have taken responsibility to constantly grow our knowledge of water, softeners, reverse osmosis, alkaline water, UV sanitation, & other services we offer. When it comes to water quality we are you’re solution.
“40 million Americans have found pharmaceuticals in there tap water. – California Department of Resources and Recycling
Bispehonol A. a industrual plastic used to make plastic bottled water is proven to disrupt the endocrine system and influecing cancer of the breast, ovary, & prostate.” – Kuiper GG, Lemmen JG, Carlsson B, et al. Endocrinology
̶ William Johnson
̶ sherry Roberts
Prices based on standard GPD usage
100% money back guarantee.
you can reach us at our corporate number at 855.206.0538
for 24/7 Service contact 786.353.5154
1001 Brickell Bay Drive #2701
Miami, Fl 33131
Our headquarters are based in Miami, FL.
We are open Monday-Friday from 7:00AM – 7:00PM
for 24/7 Service contact 786 353 5154