Life Filtration is Miami’s #1 water filtration firm. Why? Because we have taken responsibility to constantly grow our knowledge of water, softeners, reverse osmosis, alkaline water, UV sanitation, & other services we offer. When it comes to water quality we are you’re solution.
“40 million Americans have found pharmaceuticals in there tap water. – California Department of Resources and Recycling
Bispehonol A. a industrual plastic used to make plastic bottled water is proven to disrupt the endocrine system and influecing cancer of the breast, ovary, & prostate.” – Kuiper GG, Lemmen JG, Carlsson B, et al. Endocrinology
̶ William Johnson
̶ Sherry Roberts
Prices based on standard GPD usage
100% money back guarantee.
no, we don’t . But if we are interested in doing so, we will always ask for your permission before taking any photos.
most certainly, if requested.
yes, all products used at Life Filtration are WQA Certified.
Life Filtration warranties extend from 5-25 years.
Installations very from residential, commercial, and industrial projects. Average estimated time of 2-10 hours.