Life Filtration is Miami’s #1 water filtration firm. Why? Because we have taken responsibility to constantly grow our knowledge of water, softeners, reverse osmosis, alkaline water, UV sanitation, & other services we offer. When it comes to water quality we are you’re solution.
Prices based on standard GPD usage
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“40 million Americans have found pharmaceuticals in there tap water. – California Department of Resources and Recycling
Bispehonol A. a industrual plastic used to make plastic bottled water is proven to disrupt the endocrine system and influecing cancer of the breast, ovary, & prostate.” – Kuiper GG, Lemmen JG, Carlsson B, et al. Endocrinology
̶ William Johnson
̶ Sherry Roberts
A water softener is a water treatment system that is connected to the water entry of a home and treats the water for hardness typically water that has minerals like calcium, magnesium, and nickel adn than makes its. Contact Life Filtration Miami’s #1 residential water filtration firm at 855.206.0538 for more info.
Whole Home Filtration is when a water filtration system is connected to the water entry to your home and all the water is filtered. There are many different types and levels of filtration contact Miami’s #1 water filtration firm at 855.206.0538 for more info.
Reverse Osmosis is a water filtration system typically used for drinking at a point of use. It is one of the strongest and most efficient filtration systems in the global market. It can also be used in Whole Home Filtration. contact Miami’s #1 water filtration firm at 855.206.0538 for more info.
We have many different types of filtration options to remove lead. For the whole house or only for drinking. Contact Miami’s #1 water filtration firm at 855.206.0538 for more info.
We have many filters that remove fluoride, reverse osmosis is a water filtration system that removes fluoride. It is one of the strongest and most efficient filtration systems in the global market. It can also be used in Whole Home Filtration. Contact Miami’s #1 water filtration firm at 855.206.0538 for more info.
Installations typically take 4 hours. For whole house reverse osmosis systems expect a installation time window from 24-48 hours. Contact Miami’s #1 water filtration firm at 855.206.0538 for more info.